Wychwell Eventing Blog

Showing Tag: "jim" (Show all posts)

Merry Christmas

Posted by princess on Monday, December 24, 2012, In : Horses at home 

Hope you all have a very jolly time

with family and friends.

I hope Santa's reindeer remember where you live


and Santa

remembers what you wanted

and not what you didn't;

Hope you get to share lots of yummy food but don't make a pig of yourself,

I mean; a pig of yourself

Hope you have a few drinks, but not too many

Most of all we hope you get to have a lot of fun

with all your loved ones.

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Farewell to fond friends

Posted by princess on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, In : pets 

and welcome  to some new recruits!
As I said in my last post most of the things I spoke about there are the same topics I planned to speak of here. Unfortunately a lot of them are from a very different angle.

By far the hardest thing I had to do this year was part with my dear friend Rog, to say I was heartbroken doesn't really cover it. He has been such a mate to me through thick and thin, well never thin for him! (He was on a constant battle of the bulge regime).
Dear old fat Rog, he loved th...
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