Wychwell Eventing Blog

Showing Tag: "competition" (Show all posts)

We won the lottery!

Posted by princess on Wednesday, March 17, 2010, In : Competition in France 
Weyhey, we won the lottery and this is our new house!


Unfortunately we didn't win the lottery and this isn't our new house but we were lucky enough to spend a night in the beautiful Chateau de Bezonnais by trading in this:

Yes we have managed to find homes for all these cutesy (and pooey people) and as a little reward to ourselves for all our hard work we decided to treat ourselves to a luxury night at Neddy's first competition.
Ned's competition was at St. Mars D'outille just outside Le ma...
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Out and About

Posted by princess on Tuesday, February 9, 2010, In : Competition in France 
 At the weekend I decided to show my dedication by driving 65miles to Rennes to take part in a dressage 'entrainement' competition. Along the lines of a local unaffiliated dressage comp you'd have to drive twenty minutes down the road for in England. BUT this is France and training competitions are not come by easily.
We really went for Ned as I was rather hoping he would go to his first trial in a fortnight and I thought he could practice his fancy new moves in an actual arena.I showed him th...
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Will the snow go?

Posted by princess on Sunday, January 10, 2010, In : Life in france 
It's very pretty but will it go?
 We were all raring to go, started giving everyone a trim and a polish.
 Surfed the FFE Compet site to see where were first headed,started to bother about all the various tasks involved in getting the youngsters ready to compete here, signalements and registrations, all that jazz.
 Started practicing my squat thrusts to get my competition medical, competition licence etc.
 Then the snow returns, what's more; it's still here and we're back at the grindstone just p...
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