Wychwell Eventing Blog

Showing Tag: " turnip" (Show all posts)

Ted takes a tumble from the snow queen!

Posted by Princess on Thursday, January 24, 2013, In : Life in france 

Yeah, yeah we had the snow too!  Unlike some of you we actually had polar bears 'dans le coin' .
 To think some of you poor buggars still have snow now! Our snow only stopped us riding for four days (touch wood, there could well be more on the way) but while it was here I thought I should do something useful, so it seemed a cunning plan to break Peggy in, even if she is only two. There are some ponies in Peggy's background, we won't mention names, who weren't that cute to break so it seemed a...
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Of fairs and fears

Posted by princess on Sunday, December 30, 2012, In : Life in france 

Before the year is done( and the clock's ticking now) I wanted to catch up with a few of our fearsome and fairsome adventures from this particularly pretty Autumn.
Boy, that seems a long time ago now after weeks of greyness, mist, cloud and rain. How can you have Christmas in a soggy mizzle? It's depressing enough anyhow, at least with a sunny day of crispy snow it feels right!

So anyhow this Autumn we got up to a few tricks outside of the usual pony stuff like breaking Visa;

with spotty dogs, t...
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Praise be to the Lord

Posted by princess on Sunday, December 23, 2012, In : Life in france 

we survived the apocalypse! And everyone partook of a little jubilation!


Even Turnip wanted to do dancing, but since he does dancing nearly every time he goes out for a ride he had to   ' make do' with dressing up in the tutu;

It was rather optimistic of the Mayans to predict an armageddon so far into their future I feel, since to the best of my knowledge the Mayan civilization died out rather a long time ago.
Anyhow I'm pleased along with you all that ...
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Farewell to fond friends

Posted by princess on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, In : pets 

and welcome  to some new recruits!
As I said in my last post most of the things I spoke about there are the same topics I planned to speak of here. Unfortunately a lot of them are from a very different angle.

By far the hardest thing I had to do this year was part with my dear friend Rog, to say I was heartbroken doesn't really cover it. He has been such a mate to me through thick and thin, well never thin for him! (He was on a constant battle of the bulge regime).
Dear old fat Rog, he loved th...
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Back in Business

Posted by princess on Monday, December 3, 2012, In : Life in france 
So bye bye Blighty........

I'm back in France,back in business, with all the cobs and their jobs..........

(lots of cheesy feet to trim!!).

 We're also finally back with an internet connection courtesy of a flash new satellite dish and very expensive new satellite broadband connection. It's been ever such a long break from the blog spot,but I feel I should catch up my news even if it hasn't been such a good year it's definitely been far more successful than the year before, even if the weather w...
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French Kissing

Posted by princess on Sunday, March 25, 2012, In : Horses at home 
Don't know what's been happening round your parts but “Oh my!” the sun has brought out everyone's loving round these parts. Turnip is always your man for a lick if you're after affection, trouble being his licks lead to nips, lead to bites,lead to full on head lock grabs. This bullock is soon to experience this delight but I left the photos here, it just gets ugly. Turnip tries to drag him through our very safe and sturdy garden boundary fence so we'll finish here, all sweetness and ligh...
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Bear Back

Posted by princess on Friday, March 16, 2012, In : Life in france 

It may be necessary for you to refer to last week's post to really get this photo and realise I haven't lost my marbles just yet. You may recall on my first day of breaking Monty I introduced him to being ridden by a bear, it just happened the bear was to hand. I have a decent selection of large fluffy toys used for breaking and jumping and lots else besides. Most purchased for a pound a piece, well a euro actually at the local junk shop.
Since Monty was accustomed to bears it only seemed ...

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The aliens have landed.

Posted by princess on Friday, March 9, 2012, In : Life in france 

About a week, ten days ago I was busy minding my own business mucking out the stables in the dark, about nine at night.(The horses are all living out at night in an effort to maintain all round sanity, sense for them, less work for me). Suddenly there was an almighty crash that made the very rafters shiver and had me running for the door, scanning the skies for evidence of the burning inferno from the bomb just dropped. But no, nothing to be seen.

We are informed by those that know, if inde...

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Home and Hosed

Posted by princess on Tuesday, November 9, 2010, In : Horses at home 
So I have been sloppy and idle and off the ball in not posting in a very long time. Infact all the time I've had good stuff to talk about I haven't bothered!
It has been a long year in many parts, I feel exhausted from being here there and back here again, over and over.
Over the next few weeks I'm going to take a little while to catch up on the blogs, a little bit for you, if you are so kind as to be reading it- THANK YOU. A little bit for me, so I c...
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Go Mr. Potato Head

Posted by princess on Friday, May 14, 2010, In : Competition in France 
Turnip has another name, (Mr. Potato Head) due to his rather lumpy head with rather a shortage of brain cells. or that's how it seemed to be the first year we had him. He has a rather elegant head now, it never grew with his body and it even look  like some of the cogs in his brain have begun to turn.
   He jumped his first clear at the Renarderie on thursday and he wasn't mad either. I expected him to have a paddy as the Renarderie is practically home turf to him. I expected all  the new jump...
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Dressage Diva

Posted by princess on Saturday, May 8, 2010, In : Competition in France 
Since I've still been hurting from my crash it seemed a good reason to get some dressage practice in, I can't imagine another scenario where I would willingly forfeit an event or even showjumping to spend an entire weekend doing dressage.( I'm not knocking dressage? I'm sure I'd be hooked if I could pull off all the fancy moves.°

So a fortnight ago we set off early saturday to Brittany with Turnip and Charlie for a premier annee dressage class. I had rather high hopes for Turnip as he was so ...
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Allez, allez, allez

Posted by princess on Tuesday, April 13, 2010, In : Competition in France 
It's not all bad being poor, sometimes it makes you a little more creative.
As we came to the end of our haylage it seemed an awful shame and waste to be throwing away all that plastic wrap,so with a few bits of black and green wrap, some Alfa-A bags, old rubble sacks, salvaged pallets and a stapler we got into Blue Peter mode;Turnip and Neddy really appreciated 'these ones we made earlier'!

It all paid off, Ned and Turnip went showjumping at Gavray last weekend and I was very pleased with both...
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With injured pride and a bruised bum

Posted by princess on Monday, April 5, 2010, In : Competition in France 
 I write this post, even though it was over a week ago that Neddy let me down, quite literally. 
Last sunday Neddy went to Brix with Turnip. Brix never was my place for pot hunting and I really shouldn't go, but since it hardly ever has any competitiors being stuck way up the Cherbourg peninsula and they put in such a lot of effort to host the competition it seems a shame not to put in my bit of effort and go. I should have known better last week though, nothing was going to plan, I think my b...
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All dressed up nowhere to go:

Posted by princess on Tuesday, March 23, 2010, In : Competition in France 
Why is Neddy looking all flashy and dressed up on the beach?
Aahh uurrr Well............... Neddy was supposed to be competing again on sunday but it errh didn't turn out to much, just past Avranches Mick put the address in his sat nav (on the new all singing all dancing phone to replace the one Doughnut chewed up) and discovered a second 'La Fleche'.
All my niggles fell into place and the bizarre disjointed conversation I'd had with Mr. Fagnen regarding the competition. Yes, we were headed out...
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Out and About

Posted by princess on Tuesday, February 9, 2010, In : Competition in France 
 At the weekend I decided to show my dedication by driving 65miles to Rennes to take part in a dressage 'entrainement' competition. Along the lines of a local unaffiliated dressage comp you'd have to drive twenty minutes down the road for in England. BUT this is France and training competitions are not come by easily.
We really went for Ned as I was rather hoping he would go to his first trial in a fortnight and I thought he could practice his fancy new moves in an actual arena.I showed him th...
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