Wychwell Eventing Blog

Showing category "pets" (Show all posts)

Farewell to fond friends

Posted by princess on Tuesday, December 18, 2012, In : pets 

and welcome  to some new recruits!
As I said in my last post most of the things I spoke about there are the same topics I planned to speak of here. Unfortunately a lot of them are from a very different angle.

By far the hardest thing I had to do this year was part with my dear friend Rog, to say I was heartbroken doesn't really cover it. He has been such a mate to me through thick and thin, well never thin for him! (He was on a constant battle of the bulge regime).
Dear old fat Rog, he loved th...
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Pig tales

Posted by princess on Sunday, April 8, 2012, In : pets 
Favourite pig;

was busy rooting pig;

so not available for kissing pig;

Which was lucky, as it caused jealous pig;

to be chasing pig
 which led to wrestling pig;

squealing pig;

fighting pig;

serious fighting pig;

even victorious pig;

Sadly this left a pooped pig;

which turned to dead pig!;


Was only sleeping pig;

leaving favourite pig all forlorn;

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I knew a little angel once

Posted by princess on Sunday, February 12, 2012, In : pets 

I knew a little angel once..................

are the words that come to mind when I see this picture of Pete as a little pup.It's the first line of a poem I read as a kid, I can't remember much past the first few lines but the general gist of it was that the little angel bought the ugliest kitten to love incase it didn't get loved at all.

So it's a sad, happy poem which kind of describes this last week because on monday poor little Pongo Pete managed to get hit and killed by the truck...

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Posted by princess on Sunday, January 10, 2010, In : pets 
Some sparkly spring  type stuff has happened though, two tubby mummies have produced seven podgy pups. We are hoping to get a run on black and tan pups as we are well stocked in every variation of black and tan jack russell pup you could possibly imagine.

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Plus size Model

Posted by the dogsbody on Tuesday, January 5, 2010, In : pets 
Chucking our tuppence worth into the Plus size Model debate, we thought it a good idea to show off our very own candidate with a view to possibly being spotted by a top modelling agency and signed up for a hefty fee. Muddy Dog, sporting a two piece fit for Miss Moss, is looking forward to her imminent pups and  wondering what all the fuss is about...     
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bad dog

Posted by princess on Friday, December 11, 2009, In : pets 

It's kind of lucky that Doughnut is beautiful as she has been an especially bad                                                                                             dog and chewed up the all singing all dancing mobile phone my mum bought us for sending photos and images back to her.


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